My Services
I can help you by stepping into your life with you with the aim of finding out all about you and what it is you would like to achieve. So many of us, myself included, get stuck sometimes and every day we promise ourselves that we will do this or that in order to reach a certain goal. I get you to stop. We live in a world where being busy seems to be something to be proud of, it’s not. We all need a purpose in our lives, it’s what gets us up in the morning. My job is to get you to love your life, find your purpose and then have the confidence to go after it. I want you to wake up every day and look forward to the day ahead, not look forward to the weekend or the next holiday etc. We all get lost somewhere along the way and I am here to show you how to be brave, even if this means feeling vulnerable in order to show up with courage, and even if it means you will feel uncomfortable. I have honestly lived such a complex life but looking back now I realise all my hurdles were wonderful lessons. I cannot and would not solve anyone’s problems but I give you all the tools you need to solve them by yourself. Remember what you don’t change, you choose.
What's Included?
Through working with me, you will develop your own mindfulness skills and techniques which will be directly tailored to your life and way of being.
You can expect to find your confidence, determination and self-acceptance grow, along with being always reminded of the mindful value of joy and great humour.
What's Included?
Join women just like you once a week for 8 weeks to learn life long skills which will enable you to lead a wholehearted life.
What's Included?
The Masterclasses are for those who really want to improve themselves by learning how to create sustainable and lasting change in their life. Working as a small group, we explore topics that enable you to create a purpose that is in alignment with your own life.
What's Included?
Through working with me, during an hour of interactive communication where you will take away some thought provoking ideas to enable you to tackle some of life’s hurdles.
What's Included?
A selection of Workshops and Masterclasses are aimed t students who really want to improve themselves by learning how to create sustainable and lasting change in their life.
Plus, a directory of useful services and contacts.